

Cake cutting in orphanages is essential

Dzifah Tamakloe

Having spent over a decade in an orphanage, I remember none of us got the privileges to cut a cake on their birthday. Most of us forgot our birthdays by default. I always almost forgot my birthday until level 300.…

Doing charity the right way

Dzifah Tamakloe

I’m an old beggar, a street-side hawker….Really, not literally, I earn my daily-bread on a daily basis. I am called the “vulnerable in society”. My children go to a nearby government school where luckily there’s no dress code. I promised…


Dzifah Tamakloe

A week before the launch of my debut book, I was confused and did not know what specific speech I was going to give. I made calls to a few friends to help my situation and the answer was “Dzifah…

The Care Leavers Ghana Network

Dzifah Tamakloe

Did you or your parent (s) or friend grow up in care? Join the national care leavers page on Facebook and Instagram by clicking on links below. Care Leavers Ghana Network is an online forum for Young people in care…