Quotes of Dzifah Tamakloe

“It is human nature to avoid emotions that scare us.”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“Sometimes the very things we are searching for may be closer than we think but our eyes refuse to see them”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“After all is said and done, be kind to yourself”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“We live in a temporary world and so is every situation or challenge.”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“Beyond the orphanage is a journey full of hopes and aspirations.”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“All children deserve a loving and supportive family and that family can appear different depending on the situation”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

“The world does not know a care leaver and a non-care leaver”
― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe, Beyond the Orphanage: A Journey of Hope and Aspirations

Despite being surrounded by donors, care takers and volunteers at all hours of the day, Orphanage life can be lonely. ― Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe

Orphanage has more than one definition. It is many things: it is loss and it’s gain, it is fear and it’s security, it is hurt but it’s resilience.

Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe

I was raised in an orphanage. I’m am neither proud nor ashamed of it. But my greatest desire is to live in a world where investments are made to ensure children in orphanages and others affected by adversity everywhere can build and heal from shame and public stigma.

Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe

While we cannot prevent every child from experiencing loss, we can partner with vulnerable families and Orphanages to ensure fewer children become orphaned in the future.

Deborah Dzifah Tamakloe